Thursday, May 26, 2011

The goodnight Sleep Tight Book by Mircea Vasiliu

   This is the book that I had read to me as a child...not Goodnight Moon or The Going to Bed Book.  this is a book I now search for in used book stores.
   I have found it on AMAZON but as a collectible and it is too steep for an unemployed teacher. Goodness it is out there.
It was written the year I was born and I find this a nice side to the pictures I remember. I do not remember the words at all.
   I wonder what it is that calls us to remember our childhood fondly.  Nostalgia? Who knows? 
   Other books I remember from my youth are:  Where the Red fern Grows, Laura Ingles books, Nancy Drew series, etc.

"May the blessing of almighty God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain forever. Amen."

My Grandfather has been passing this blessing out (usually at bed time or when we leave his house) daily.  My grandfather found himself with an enlarged heart this week and this on top of him "forgetting things" over the past 2 years.  I am far away as is my mother.  She is in Florida while I am in Germany but we ask ourselves the question? we go? or do we stay? 
     I just went to Michigan this passed Christmas for this reason.  To see my grandfather who is forgetting things and my paternal grandmother who has been having sugar and heart problems for years.  I feel like I am in good place with both of them and I don't feel the need to go but I wanted to think on this none the less...
     I am blessed with a large family on my father's side (2 uncles and 3 aunts) and also on my mother's side (6 uncles and 3 aunts).
     I am blessed with a supportive husband who will do what needs to be done and who knows what his priorities should be.
     I am blessed with 4 kids of my own and the opportunity to live in Germany with my husband's job.
     I am blessed with good friends and lovely ideas in which to pass the time with.
     I am blessed in so many ways that I can not count but somehow I wonder if these are the things my grandfather wanted for me?  I suppose they are.
     I supposed our lives are what we make them.  I suppose ..."That which we before us."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are you feeling sleepy after exercise because you're overtraining?

So I am doing the "Biggest Loser" but not feeling excited about it.  I am counting calories and although I have DONE other POINT oriented plans before I find this to be a whole new thing.  I can do most of what is expected of me.  My oldest son has fixed my bike too.  I have new blisters on my 2 pinkie toes and I am planning on taping them up in a few in order work out before I go and hang out at the pool in town.  It is so hot today.  No AC in Germany and this makes me want to be DONE.  I am just getting started.  I am getting sickly and I am only 38 years old.  I knew I needed to do something.  I am averaging 10,000 steps per day and this is all good but I am finding myself unamused with the whole thing.  I bought a few new clothes today in order to try and get excited but....ahhhh me

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Music on a Thursday

I met the most amazing woman 2 years ago.  Her name doesn't matter here but her personal mantra does.  She believes everyone should learn to play piano and even though I am unskilled at this she has volunteered to help my 3 younger children take on this task.

My kids are at all different levels but to listen to her teach is an amazing thing and I am wishing I could possess these same qualities as I teach the core subjects to them.
A moment of appreciation to those who pass on their talents...